• AC RRR service machines

    Automotive AC service machines for 134a, 1234yf and combo: Available models: AC200, AC300, AC400, AC600, AC800, AC900

  • Premium AC900 1234yf with WIFI

    Premium AC900

    Premium AC900 with Wifi and android platfom

  • AC400 Dual R134a and 1234yf

    AC 400 Dual

    Covers both 134a and 1234yf

  • ac800

    Premium AC800 

    A premium RRR + flushing AC service machine for 134a

  • Portable wheel aligner

    A accuracy and portability wheel alignment tool with fast, easy installation for an affordable price.

  • financial


    With QuickSpark's simple financing, you can get the scanners you need for a low monthly payment you can afford. Quickly earn back your investment while maintaining a steady cash flow.

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The Bludee is a trusted supplier of professional AC RRR service equipment and accessories in the auto aftermarket


To maintain your equipment and keep your device up to date, call our service and support 


Toll Free:  (USA) 844-322-7872
             Intl Call: (443) 380-0088