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In Stock (will ship in 5-6 days).

  • Dimension: Package in crate 720*670*1170mm (29”x26”x47”); Unpacked machine 630*560*1075mm (24”x22”46”)
  • Power supply: AC110V±10~60Hz
  • Compressor power: 3/8HP
  • Patented SRR (Supreme Recovery Rate) system, guarantees over 99% recovery rate achieved in very short recovery time.
  • Vacuum: pump capacity: 120L(32Gal)/min 
  • Evacuation time selection: 2-240min,
  • Vacuum leak test time selection: 0-30min.
  • Electronic oil injection: 3 separate vessels, 250ml capacity for PAG /POE/UV, high transparency
  • Used oil vessel: 400ml capacity, high transparency
  • Refrigerant charging speed: 1Kg/Min.
  • High capacity spin on filter-dryer: 600ml capacity:
  • Accuracy of refrigerant cylinder load cell: ±10g
  • Accuracy of oil containers load cells: ±3g (For better oil injection accuracy, ±1g, please order optional function of individual load cell for each oil vessel)
  • Refrigerant cylinder: 10KG, with heater.
  • Machine maximum working pressure: 20bar.
  • Display: 7’’ touch screen, powered by android platform.
  • Gauges: High side -1bar~30bar, Low side -1bar~16bar,
  • Digitally displayed cylinder pressure and temperature
  • Vehicle A/C database included, with additional user database input.
  • Thermal printer
  • Electronically controlled air purge.
  • Electronically monitoring and displaying system service intervals.
  • Flush function: Unidirectional or bi-directional, time selection: 10-60 min.
  • Individual load cell for each oil vessel, to make higher accuracy of oil injection: ±1g.
  • AC900 is for 1234yf refrigerant.
  • Automatic recovery/recycling/recharge, walk away and return when complete
  • Automatic discharging used oil/oil drain.
  • Automatic vacuum helps get to the necessary vacuum level in any condition quickly
  • Automatic new oil injection shows how much oil was removed from the system during service
  • Automatic internal tank refill. No stopping to fill the internal tank during service
  • Automatic air purge removes the potential of air accumulating in the internal tank
  • Comprehensive A/C capacity database
  • Support Auto Mode: One step to do automatic recovery, recycling, vacuum and recharge
  • Tank filling with manual or pre-set value options
  • Onboard electronic scales
  • Built in thermal printer
  • Tank installed internally
  • Vacuum leak test to identify gross leaks in a system
  • Flashing feature
  • Separate POE and PAG oil injection, good for service both electric/hybrid car and regular car

Main functions


Recovers and purifies refrigerant from automotive A/C system and it is then stored into the machine internal storage cylinder for re-use.


Further removes air, debris, and moisture from the vehicle A/C system after recovery, with vacuum leak detection test.


Electronically charges the selected amount of refrigerant into the vehicle A/C system

Oil/dye injection

Electronically injects the pre-set or selected amount of oil and/or dye into the vehicle A/C system.

Tank fill

Transfers liquid refrigerant from an external cylinder to the machine internal storage cylinder.


With this unique patented COR system, the machine will completely recover compressor oil, with which moisture and foreign particles are also recovered from the vehicle A/C system. When the technician selects forward flushing, the machine will pump high temperature and high-pressure refrigerant to A/C system in the direction of normal refrigerant flow (the refrigerant flows from the vehicle compressor low side and is recovered back from the high side during its cycle) or bi-directional flushing (refrigerant flows in both forward and reverse directions). All compressor oil in the vehicle A/C system and foreign particles can be extracted, and then discharged into the used oil vessel.

Fully automatic function selection

The machine will perform all the selected functions in a fully automatic sequence. The machine will stop automatically once all the selected functions or functions have been completed.

System. settings


Selecting language to suit.


Calibrate refrigerant cylinder load cell, oil vessels load cells, pressure transducer, and temperature sensor. A dynamic password is needed to perform this function.

Electronic air purge

Purges any non-condensable from refrigerant storage cylinder. The machine also performs automatic non-condensable each time it is switched on.

Vehicle database

The machine stores a large number of vehicle makes and models, of the manufacturer recommended refrigerant and oil charge quantities, additional data can be added manually by the technician.

Operating record

The machine records and stores the operations the machine has performed; this data can be retrieved and also can be transferred to text file. A dynamic password is needed to perform this function.

Unit settings

Selecting metric or imperial units of measurement.

Tare weight setting

Set empty refrigerant cylinder or refrigeration oil zero (tare) weight.

Component test

Activate or des-activate each electronic component to make help analyze work status. A dynamic password is needed to perform this function.