UD2600 Volvo GH7 with two Diesel 9 data port: Left 9 pin with ABS and Transmission; Right 9 pin with Volvo GH7 engine

Issue: DPF light stays on and flashing. The truck towed back for repair. Technician checked DPF and repair. The engine will start around 1-2 minutes and shutdown automatically. Parked forced regen will not start because conditions are not matching.


  1. By using FCAR Volvo program to connect into Right 9 Pin data port, 
  2. Soot Ratio Reset
  3. Clear engine codes
  4. Run forced regen and sucessfully
  5. The truck is back to normal

Applied FCAR scanner models: F3D, F3G, F5D, F5G, F3SN, F3SG F7SN F7SG