The following update will fix bugs: 1) Serial number start from 2207, 2) The key does popup in manual charge to put capacity in LBS setting 3) Tank filling shows "Exceed limit"

Software update instructions:

  1. Find a pc to download update software from here: (Right click and Save As
  1. SD card and USB adapter are included in the machine, plug it into PC where you download already. And extract the zip file ( into sd card drive. If you check SD card, it should have a folder call “DWIN_SET”


  1. And extract the zip file into sd card folder with folder called: Dwin_set. Eject SD card from pc

Graphical user interface, application, tableDescription automatically generated

  1. Power off AC service machine and disconnect the power plug from power source
  1. Remove four Phillip screws on touch screen panel, and carefully remove the screen panel. Plug micro SD card into the card slot.


  1. Power on AC machine, the screen will be showing software update interface. It will automatically make software update. Once the upgrade process finished, it will show SD Progress status: END.


  1. Power off AC machine and disconnect power cable from power source. Remove SD card from screen board.


  1. Install touch screen panel back to correct position and screws all the screw. The update progress is done.

***If this software update still show "Refrigerant volume will exceed limitation with the value set" in Tank Fill, please click this link instruction to reset.